Student Spotlight

Students are the lifeblood of academic research -
transforming ideas into realities.


Jordan Barone

Honours Bachelor of Business Administration, 4th Year

Research Assistant in Plant Biochemistry (Molina Lab)

Jordan is currently in his final semester of the Bachelor of Business Administration program at Algoma University's Sault Ste. Marie campus. Throughout his time at Algoma University, Jordan began working alongside Dr. Jody-Lynn Rebek as a Research Assistant on several projects. Namely, he has been actively involved in the following: 

- AwakenU Mindfulness research

- Blue Economy research

- Nursing Clinic Leadership Styles and Structures

- Glolocal Research: Transformational Leader Development to Achieve SDGs

Post-graduation, Jordan has ambitions of attending medical school at NOSM University and becoming a physician in Northern Ontario. Additionally, Jordan hopes to obtain his Master of Business Administration (MBA) at some time during his academic journey. Overall, Jordan is appreciative of the opportunities that Algoma University has presented to him, as well as the supportive faculty that have made them possible. Jordan would like to thank Dr. Jody-Lynn Rebek, Dr. Paulette Steeves, and Dr. Andrew Judge for their impactful contributions to his education thus far. 

Isabella DiBerardino

B.Sc. Psychology, class of 2024

This past year, Isabella has had the pleasure of working on two research projects with Dr. Nirosha Murugan and Dr. Nicolas Rouleau as a Student Research Assistant in Neuroimaging: The Biophoton Study and the Covid Fog Study.  The purpose of the Biophoton Study is to develop a non-invasive and portable PET scanner.  They looked at the relationship between electrical activity in the brain, using electroencephalography (EEG), and photonic activity in the brain, using quantum sensors.  In the Covid Fog Study, which also uses EEG, we looked at the long-term effects of Covid-19 on memory and cognition.  This is an extension to a Biology Thesis conducted by Malay Patel, but rather than looking at specific memory effects, we are assessing all aspects of cognition in the Covid Fog Study.

  After graduating from Algoma University, she intends to pursue graduate and doctoral studies in Cognitive Neuroscience and Medical Genetics.  Her ultimate goal would be to work in a pharmaceutical company, to be apart of drug development treatment plans for individuals suffering from neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease.  Another area of interest that she would also like to pursue is research in cancer biology, specifically focusing on cognitive and memory deficits as a result of chemotherapy and other cancer treatments.  

Qeila Mbonihankuye

BSW, 3rd year student

My Name is Qeila Mbonihankuye, I am a Bachelor of Social Work student and a Research Assistant. I am from Québec City and speak both English and French. My goal is to create changes at the institutional level in social work policies. I am a student and athlete and love anything that makes me move and get out of my comfort zone.

Kendall Mitchell

Graduate, BA in CESD and Political Science

Kendall Mitchell is a 2022 Algoma U graduate with a double degree in Community Economic and Social Development and Political Science. She currently works at NORDIK Institute as an Administrative and Research Assistant working with The Global Network - Ethnic Peoples and Peace and The Institute for Peoples, Territories, and Peace. In her undergrad, Kendall completed her Capstone research project entitled “FOSTERING SOCIAL CAPITAL AMONG INDIGENOUS YOUTH IN NORTHERN ONTARIO” which sought to understand how fostering social capital, among First Nations youth in northern Ontario, can help support their overall well-being with a special focus on the techniques of Turtle Concepts.

Malay Patel

B.Sc. Biology

I am a fourth-year biology student at Algoma University and is doing my honour thesis under the supervision of Dr. Nirosha Murugan.

Gatwech Ruathdel

Bachelor of Social Work

Vanessa Traveson

Bachelor of Social Work, class of 2023

Vanessa is a 4th year student involved in her field placement at the School of Social Work.

She is a research assistant working with Dr. Rose Torres on her research study entitled,  "Examining Access to Mental Health Care Services: The Impact of  Covid-19 on Filipino Health Care Workers in Northern Ontario."

James White

Bachelor of Business Administration, Honours - Graduate

James is a recent Alumni of Algoma University's BBA program with an accounting specialization. Through his professional work experience post graduation James has developed a keen interest on the aspect of leadership within an organization. He currently works with Dr. Jody-Lynn Rebek as a Research Assistant and a Teaching Assistant at Algoma University in pursuit of his interest in understanding leadership as a core competency in business. 

James has been devoting his efforts towards working with Dr. Rebek on research which includes:

- Awaken U Mindfulness research 

- Glolocal Research: Transformational Leader Development to Achieve SDGs

Moving forward in his career James seeks to eventually become a business leader in Sault Ste. Marie, the city where he was born and raised. With Dr. Rebek's guidance and mentorship James plans to pursue furthering his education in organizational leadership in order to strengthen his expertise for the future. James Would like to sincerely thank Dr. Rebek for her unwavering support, knowledge and encouragement through their time spent working together.